About Our Founder

“It has been 32 years since I made a public confession to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior of my life. Since that time, I have been in full-time ministry and have seen God work in the hearts of people in amazing ways.

It was while I was at work in 1992, that I felt God calling me to the ministry, full-time. I was working for Break the Barriers, a non-profit organization, teaching art and coaching gymnastics and martial arts to able and disabled persons.

On March 9th of 1992, in the middle of my art class, I started to feel depressed about the direction my life was taking. Those same questions I had struggled with as a child kept haunting me: Who am I? What is my purpose in life? Where am I going after I die?"

“Here I was, in a great country. I wasn’t starving like we were in the Philippines, I knew that I had God in my life, but I still felt that He had something more for me. With all of these thoughts running through my head, I decided to dismiss my class early and go home. On my drive home, I saw three kids tagging (spray painting) a wall.

As I witnessed this event, God showed me what those kids were feeling and how as a child, I had felt the same way; confused, hopeless, and empty. Those kids were searching, and asking the same questions I did when I was their age: Who am I? What is my purpose in life? Where am I going after I die?

When I got home that night, I went straight to my room, locked my door, picked up my Bible, and wept before God. While praying, I asked Him if there was anything I could do to help those kids. God reminded me of His Son and what He did for me on the cross, and that I needed to share this same message with those who have never heard it. That night, I felt God’s call on my life to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, to whomever and wherever He chooses to lead me. I realize now, that every hardship I have overcome was in preparation for God’s work.

My view of life and God’s plan for my life became very clear, and that night, my life changed dramatically. I finally knew why I was being haunted by those 3 questions, and why God took the time to show me that people are just like those three confused kids; looking for answers to those same 3 questions. The answer was clear. People need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

"Over the past 32 years, God has confirmed His calling on my life through the testimonies of His people. Through the years, I have received hundreds of phone calls, letters, and e-mails from people excited to tell me all about God’s saving grace and how He has moved in their lives through the ministry He has given me. It is only through the work of the Holy Spirit, that I am able to effectively minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bring others to the saving knowledge of our Savior. Without Him, I’m just another artist painting pretty pictures for people to look at."

"In addition, God brought my wife Michelle into my life, a year after I went into ministry. I would not be where I am if it wasn’t for her support. Her calling to be my wife and the mother of our 4 children completes the links in my ministry. She has faithfully supported me through good times and bad. God has given her a discerning spirit and a heart for lost souls. Her strength is encouraging women and her heart is pure gold. Our calling together is unique and we would not trade it for the world. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my heart with you.”